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Wooclap integrates with your teaching tools to make your life easier
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Wooflash, the microlearning platform by Wooclap
We’ve gathered insights from 10 institutions using AI to enhance student engagement.
Discover how to integrate Wooclap into your LMS with LTI 1.3 Advantage
Discover how Wooflash and Wooclap drives CBE at University of Montpellier
The University of Bologna tackles the AI challenge by redefining assessment and promoting academic honesty to balance...
The Università della Svizzera italiana integrates AI into education with an innovative and responsible approach ...
The University of Murcia leverages AI to enhance teaching and management redefining the learning experience with an...
The University of Bologna integrates AI into education combining innovation and responsibility to support educators...
At Carleton University, educators are independently exploring AI tools to enhance their teaching. Discover how.
Discover how can AI help personalize learning paths for every student at Saint Joseph University of Beirut
The University of Talca drives education with AI using innovative tools to enhance learning and support educators and...
10 universities are answering AI's biggest challenges
Discover how artificial intelligence is reshaping higher education. Wooclap experts Christopher Pingeon and Arlène...
The University of Talca integrates AI into its educational model to enhance engagement personalize learning and...
The URV explores the use of AI to make learning more dynamic and personalized highlighting its potential in student...
At Hamad Bin Khalifa University AI is transforming teaching and student engagement. Through training and innovative...
Discover how Carleton University uses AI to create adaptive learning environments personalize education and enhance...
The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia addresses the challenges of AI with an innovative approach balancing...
The Escuela Bancaria y Comercial enhances teaching with AI training its educators to optimize time and improve the...
The University of Bologna leads the ethical integration of AI combining innovation and responsibility while adhering...
Wooclap is expanding its global network of partnerships with the appointment of Matthieu Poupard as Strategic...
Discover the top 5 technology tools for the classroom
Discover the best online formative assessment tools for your teaching!
Discover the Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory!
Discover the top 5 online learning tools.
Discover the best classroom engagement tools to make your lessons more fun!
Discover the top 3 interactive tools to give your classes a twist and engage your audience!
Discover the top 8 free online brainstorming tools for students!
Discover the most useful teaching strategies to adapt your lessons to every student profile.
Discover how Wooclap helps you use fun and creative activities to engage students.
Discover 5 student engagement strategies and activities that will help you involve your students for a more dynamic ...
Discover 7 interactive whiteboard games to try in the classroom.
Discorver 33 post training survey questions for employees to help you build your own survey in no time.
Discover the 5 different teaching styles their pros and cons and the situations in which you might want to use each...
Discover the top 5 Interactive presentation tools to make your presentation more interactive,
Discover how to make an interactive presentation with Google Slides!
Discover a short presentation of Slido and its alternatives,
Discover methods and tips for a successful online brainstorming session with Wooclap!
Discover how to set up interactive classroom activities to motivate your students and make learning more fun!
Wooclap presents you with a list of the best 12 poll tools for you to add to your courses.
What are the advantages of good open-ended questions, and how do you formulate them effectively?
Discover a list of the 9 best games to break the ice at your events meetings student seminars classes and work...
Discover how to use PowerPoint for your interactive presentations!
Check out some alternatives to Kahoot!
25 icebreaker questions for your team building activity
30 of the best, fun and effective ice breaker questions to help make your virtual meetings more friendly and dynamic,
Discover our top tips to learn how to make your presentation interactive.
Wooclap gives you its top 13 brainstorming tools to come up with the very best ideas.
Discover how to create a quiz with PowerPoint
Discover how Wooclap helps you measure and improve student engagement in class!
Discover how can you make a brainstorming session effective and productive for your teams!
At the University of Sheffield, educators are using Wooclap to transform classrooms with interactivity and inclusivity. ...
Learning at the University of Sheffield comes to life with Wooclap seamlessly connecting in-person and remote...
At the University of Sheffield Wooclap transforms lectures by breaking down barriers like fear of judgment ensuring...
55 best icebreaker questions to connect with your audience
Disocver 45 best icebreakers for meetings
Discover the 30 best general knowledge trivia questions
Discover 40 questions to ask in a post-event survey
Discover how to create a poll in a few clicks
Discover fun icebreaker questions
Discover Mentimeter and its alternatives
Find out why the leader in professional training chose Wooclap, and how its teams use it.
How can Flash Cards in LMS improve learning outcomes?
Looking for Jamboard alternatives? Look no more! We've put together a list of 11 free & paid whiteboarding tools for...
Discover 70 fun poll questions to get your classes or meetings off to a great start
Save Time & Engage Students: Wooclap AI in Education
AI tools are redefining the art of teaching for a new era.
In today’s attention-scarce world instant web polls are key to keeping your audience engaged. Wooclap empowers...
Find out how interactivity influences classroom engagement
Create MCQ with AI: A Step-by-Step Guide
Effortless Fill-in-the-Blank Question with Wooclap AI
Revolutionize Matching Quizzes with AI | Wooclap AI Guide
Create Engaging Open Ended Questions with Wooclap AI
Boost Creativity with AI-Driven Brainstorming Questions
Engage Your Audience with AI-Driven Poll Questions
Make online learning engaging with fun strategies that boost student connection, understanding, and retention.
Wooclap revolutionizes LMS interoperability with its LTI 1.3 integration
Wooclap is now available on the 360Learning marketplace!
Discover how Wooclap's Drag and drop Question Facilitates Group Thinking
Colin Yuckman shares his insights on using technology and Wooclap to foster student engagement
Inside Duke's latest teaching and learning innovations
You can now create your Wooclap questions directly from PowerPoint!
Rating question: New visualization of reponses
Rating Question: new visualization of answers
Discover how to take attendance with Wooclap?
Framework Question: how to visualize group thinking in real time?
The story behind the creation of the Framework question
Come join us for Wooclap Office Hours!
Wooclap has been named one of the top presentation software for 2024 by Tepkon.
Poll Everywhere vs Mentimeter: Definitive Comparison [November 2024]
Kahoot vs Slido vs Wooclap: A Definitive Comparison for 2024
Interview with Diego Colombara, lecturer and coordinator of REMAP
Poll Everywhere vs Kahoot: Definitive Comparison for 2025
Join us for this webinar!
Discover how the university of Porto use Wooclap !
Discover how Leiden University has leveraged Wooflash to develop "Family Dinner,"
Wooclap has successfully obtained the ISO 27001:2022 certification!
Join us during our live training to learn how to best use Wooclap! During this training, we will give a general demo of ...
Find out how Wooclap is working to make its platform ever more accessible to all users.
For which purposes should each tool be used?
Jamboard vs Miro: A Definitive Comparison for 2024 | Wooclap [October 2024]
Mentimeter vs Wooclap: A Definitive Comparison [July 2024]
Kahoot vs Wooclap: A Definitive Comparison [July 2024]
Kahoot vs Mentimeter vs Wooclap: A Definitive Comparison [October 2024]
Join our webinar with Perlego to transform teaching & empower students through active learning!
How GNFA uses Wooclap in its technical training courses.
170,000 students from Quebec's colleges to benefit from active teaching methods using Wooclap.
Wooclap reaches an important milestone: 50 million users!
Discover the life of Professor Woo a philosophy teacher through her diary in which she shares her daily life as a...
Emilie Ringuet Pedagogy and Technopedagogy Advisor and professor at UQAR shares her experience of using Wooclap at...
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has chosen Wooclap to create an awesome learning experience
Find out how to use Wooclap templates for your courses or training.
Save time preparing your interactive training with Quiz Wizard.
Discover the Wooclap's online Timer to manage your time in class or in training.
Testimony from AP University: when neurosciences is applied to teaching thanks to Wooclap & Moodle
Amplify collective intelligence and gamify the experience with the new Wooclap Team mode.
Make your icebreakers on Wooclap
Using an ice breaker at the beginning of a meeting of a few minutes helps to develop group cohesion
Remote ice breaker: survey the mood of your group of participants at the beginning of a meeting or online workshop.
Watch the replay of our live Wootrainings to learn how to best use Wooclap! You'll see a general demo of the platform...
Discover our 2022 ranking of interactive higher education institutions.
Wooclap and Moodle integrate seamlessly to help teachers and students add interaction on a single interface.
6 examples to find solutions and design ideas, test global understanding, and exchange in groups.
Wooclap and UCLouvain have been working together since 2017. Find out why Wooclap is now used by +600 teachers.
New this month: the question Label an image, the collaboration of several people on the same event...
7 tips for entertaining and interactive presentations thanks to the integration of Wooclap in PowerPoint.
Offer Wooclap questions directly within the Zoom video conference window.
When to use Wooclap's Collaboration feature? 4 daily use cases.
Meet the challenges of teaching face-to-face or in blended learning to make your students actors of their learning.
How to deal with students who have never had face-to-face classes in higher education in 2021?
New: the quick help button, easy SSO login, import of questions from Brightspace...
Icebreakers are great to capture your students' attention! Discover 25 Wooclap icebreakers to use in your events right...
Wooclap integrates with Microsoft Teams to allow teachers and students to interact during distance learning courses
What makes Wooclap so special? We give you 8 of our secrets!
Discover the views of education experts on the education of tomorrow.
8 tips to draw students’ attention, keep them engaged, and help them recall and consolidate what you want to teach them.
Scott Hayden, Digital Innovator at BCoT lists 4 reasons why every teacher should work on optimising student engagement.
Ireland’s first Chair in Digital Learning, Professor Mark Brown makes the case for fundamental digital disruption.
Staffordshire University's Vice Chancellor, Professor Elizabeth Barnes answers questions about its digital strategy.
For effective training, dynamic meetings, concrete decision-making and interactive webinars.
What are the potential consequences of the crisis for the careers of recent and soon-to-be graduates?
Northampton University's Vice Chancellor, Prof. Nick Petford discusses its “future-focused” digital strategy.
A look at the role of EdTech in the design and implementation of curricula in three higher education institutions.
How can universities use what they have learned during the pandemic to overcome the current limitations in education?
Hibernia College's Digital Learning Technologist, Justin Staunton reveals why the institution chose to adopt Wooclap.
How has the pandemic affected stressors inherent in the student experience, like academic success and social acceptance?
Head of Curriculum: Learning Technologies, Barbara Gardner talks about the benefits of Wooclap's trial periods.
A closer look at the short-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the student experience: a new and uncertain reality.
Discover 4 good practices to make corporate training more interactive with Wooclap.
Are you a teacher? We can help you meet the challenge of distance learning.
The principle of distance learning with Wooclap: a case study of professor Roberto Quaglia and a student from ESCP.
Capture your audience's attention with unforgettable interactive presentations thanks to Wooclap and Genially...
Our 12-point checklist to make sure your students are more engaged from the start of the semester
Interactive questions to assess reasoning, with Script Concordance and Judgement Tests.
How to make a student actor of his learning thanks to Wooclap, by Professor Francesco Contino, UCLouvain.
Steve Masson brings a neuroeducational perspective to exam design
Sébastien Lebbe, CEO at Wooclap, explains how to create a distance learning course with Wooclap step by step.
Increase student engagement in your distance learning courses with the Message Wall and Quick Questions.
How did the University of Lausanne implement pedagogical continuity during the COVID-19 crisis?
How a French teacher ran an interactive, distant, and live study session for 6,500 medical school students.
Which skills are most sought after by companies?
Training future managers in computer code: a strategic choice for business schools.
What is nudge theory, those 'nudge' actions that guide our decisions and facilitate our behaviour changes?
How to alternate face-to-face and distance learning effectively in the context of blended learning?
Wooclap and Canvas connect their tools to make lesson preparation easier for teachers.
What are the educational benefits of EdTech and why is it taking off in the US today?
Dashboards and learning analytics: can we detect the first signs of school dropout?
Skills to be acquired and necessary training: what are the challenges for students?
Coach or facilitator... What's the role of a teacher today?
Student-based system and lifelong learning: how to learn from Nordic education?
Difficulty of multi-tasking, inner stimuli... how to overcome them?
Emotions, interactions, practical framework... Find out why gaming is taken seriously by teachers.
Vary your teaching techniques according to Professor Felder's theories.
Discover the 4 pillars of learning by Stanislas Dehaene and how Wooclap is relevant to them.
How to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills through active pedagogy by making them actors of their learning.
DIY, soft skills, and artificial intelligence: the learner-driven revolution in education
Find out how clickers maximise their potential to support teaching and learning through good practice.
Interview with TeachPitch, who tackles the issue of information abundance through curation, AI and online training.
Use Harvard professor Eric Mazur's Peer Instruction Method in 4 steps.
Spaced repetition of knowledge: a learning and memory technique to share with your students.
What is the role of the student in the classroom?
Why asking questions serves to reinforce knowledge through the test effect.
How educational research points the way to concrete learning techniques.
Discover 10 of the most famous neuromyths and their falsely claimed neuroscientific basis.
Wooclap raises €1.4 million to better engage students in higher education and learning sector.
A closer look at the effect of non-cognitive factors like behaviours, beliefs and mindsets on student performance.
4 things to focus on to teach students to be intrinsically motivated, and in turn more confident and perseverant.
A look at "fixed" and "growth" student mindsets, or how they deal with failure and success in a learning environment.
How and when can students use multitasking to be more efficient on their way to reaching their learning objectives?
Interleaving is an effective learning and teaching strategy that combines the benefits of spaced and retrieval practice.
Spaced practice is an old yet effective learning method that yields far better results than cramming in the long term.
Retrieval practice is a learning method that is simple, effective, and applicable in both lessons and revisions.
The questions a teacher asks play a big role in the accessibility and durability of the memories students create.
To optimise what students remember from class, link new information to prior knowledge and avoid cognitive overloading.
How can we use the way the brain stores information in long-term memory to design effective learning sessions?
Some examples of processes that can easily be taken into account in learning.
Sally Ann Moore shares 6 best practices to optimise the results of in-company training.
Find out how Wooclap convinced more than 350 teachers at the Catholic University of Leuven.
Let's take a look at the 4 aspects of a blended learning environment that make it such an effective learning model.
Capturing students' attention helps them focus and learn better. Why is it such a challenge and what can we do about it?
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