We all know that blank stare when we ask "Any questions?" Getting honest feedback from students can feel like pulling teeth. Wooclap Surveys helps to better connect with students' thoughts and opinions, in class or at home.
Get honest student feedback without putting them on the spot.
Remember that quiet student in the back who never raises their hand? Or the one who nods along but you're not quite sure they're getting it? With anonymous surveys, they can finally tell you what they're really thinking, without the pressure of speaking up in front of everyone.
Fast set up to fit into your teaching day
The last thing you need is another complicated tech tool to learn. Wooclap lives right inside your PowerPoint or LMS. No more jumping between windows or learning yet another complicated marketing survey platform. You can use it between grading papers and planning lessons.
Just the info you need, no data overload
Not everyone is a Data Scientist or a Doctor in Statistics. Wooclap shows you exactly what you need to know about your students' understanding - no spreadsheet degree required. Feedback you can actually use.
Get a heads up on what your students already know. No more wasting precious class time covering material they've mastered (or realizing too late that they're not ready to move on).
Quick temperature checks to make sure everyone's on board. You know that gut feeling when half the class is lost? Now you can actually confirm it and adjust on the fly.
Find out what clicked and what didn't. It's like having a focus group for your teaching, minus the awkward silence.
Got a department initiative or school-wide project? Create consistent feedback loops that actually work:
Ask fellow teachers for their thoughts on new teaching strategies.
Run end-of-semester course evaluations that students will actually fill out
Get quick feedback from parents about school events or new programs.
Regularly check in on student well-being throughout the year
Pick from 20+ question types that actually make sense for the classrooms. It's as easy as making a PowerPoint slide.
Students just scan a QR code or click a link from any device. No accounts, no hassle, no "my dog ate my login" excuses.
See responses roll in live or check them later during the coffee break.
Wooclap offers way more variety of question types, and provides both live and self-paced forms of engagement with an audience or student population.
Colin Yuckman
See how your students respond.