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Wooclap integrates with your teaching tools to make your life easier
What Wooclap does better
Everything you need to know about life at Wooclap
Wooflash, the microlearning platform by Wooclap
The power of neuroscience explained
How to learn better? Discover our dedicated contents to understand how our brain works
Discover the Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory!
Testimony from AP University: when neurosciences is applied to teaching thanks to Wooclap & Moodle
Discover the 4 pillars of learning by Stanislas Dehaene and how Wooclap is relevant to them.
DIY, soft skills, and artificial intelligence: the learner-driven revolution in education
Find out how clickers maximise their potential to support teaching and learning through good practice.
Spaced repetition of knowledge: a learning and memory technique to share with your students.
Why asking questions serves to reinforce knowledge through the test effect.
How educational research points the way to concrete learning techniques.
Discover 10 of the most famous neuromyths and their falsely claimed neuroscientific basis.
Retrieval practice is a learning method that is simple, effective, and applicable in both lessons and revisions.
Some examples of processes that can easily be taken into account in learning.
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