2023-07-07 •
From Wooclap
The AAARRR funnel, also known as the "Pirate Funnel," is a framework invented by Dave McClure. It is useful for mapping the customer lifecycle and optimizing your marketing funnel.
The Pirate Funnel is a framework that breaks down the customer lifecycle into several stages and shows you where to focus your attention. The funnel was developed by Dave McClure and is called the AAARRR Funnel because the first letters form the acronym AAARRR for Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue.
The 6 metrics of the Pirate Funnel: AAARRR Awareness - How many people are you reaching? Acquisition - How many people are visiting your website? Activation - What is the first important step in your customer lifecycle? How many people complete it? (e.g., sign-up, app installation, first interaction with your product) Retention - How many people come back and use your product multiple times? Revenue - How many people start paying? Referral - How many people recommend your company to their colleagues and/or friends?
In Dave McClure's original Pirate Funnel, the Awareness stage was not part of the funnel (it was still the AARRR framework) and was added in 2016 by Growth Tribe.
The AAARRR metrics are the perfect starting point if you're unsure where to begin in defining your marketing strategy and what aspects to focus on.
By filling in all the steps of the AAARRR funnel on a canvas, you will see where you lose the most people. This will help you determine where you get the "best return on investment." Every time you improve a step in your Pirate Funnel, it will contribute to long-term growth.
Use this Wooclap template to brainstorm with your team and collectively define the marketing strategy while engaging everyone.
Use collective thinking to define the steps of your funnel, the important metrics to track, and identify potential bottlenecks. This will enable you to make the right strategic decisions.
Engage your learners with an interactive presentation and active exercise to understand the difference between remembering and memorizing. Empower them by sharing knowledge about the learning process.
Optimize and dynamize your culture and values onboarding with this template.
Make your All Hands meetings more interactive and engaging with this Wooclap template!