On June 17th 2021, we hosted the first ever Wooclap Education Summit (or WES), a day of free online talks, to discover the views of education experts on the education of tomorrow.
For the past 5 years, Wooclap’s community of users and partners has been steadily growing. Today, our platform is being used by more than 500 000 teachers in over 150 countries! Every day, we discuss the stakes and challenges of education, both current and future, to build the future of education together. Bringing together educators, researchers, and education professionals is a way to frame the conversation, to compare views and learn collectively.
Today, we have partners - schools and universities - from all over the world, which is why we organised the Wooclap Education Summit in 3 languages: English, French, and Spanish. Who knows, we may one day include even more! Since every speaker covered a unique topic, we highly encourage multilingual readers to browse the replays in the different languages.
The impact of EdTEch on the role of teachers, the correlation between data and pedagogy, and how to deal with the proliferation of digital tools are but some of the themes we covered during this online event.
“Over the past year and a half, great advances have been made in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning”, says Wooclap CEO Sébastien Lebbe. “This Autumn, it will be interesting to see how universities apply this technology to provide the best possible learning experience to their students. To find out how they are preparing for this academic year, we have invited educators and education experts to come share their views, experiences, and expectations for the coming years.”
The 2021 Wooclap Education Summit may be over, but you can still check out the replays!
Julie Lemaire
Content Marketing Lead @Wooclap. As a student of language with a passion for education and a thirst for knowledge, I am currently learning to parlare italiano.
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