17.12.2024 • 4 minutes
Do you need to reflect on a particular topic, process, project or problem together with your team? Or improve a product or service, in relation to feedback from customers or users? Well, there’s nothing better to start coming up with ideas and solutions than a good team brainstorming!
By setting aside time for the whole team to feel free to share and compare ideas, without any filtering or judgments, everyone will have a better chance of solving the problems they face than working alone in their corners. But how can you make a brainstorming session effective and productive for your teams? Wooclap will tell you here!
Best practices for team brainstorming
What tools are there for team brainstorming?
6 brainstorming techniques, and their advantages and disadvantages
To be effective, a brainstorming session must be:
Following these best practices you will take advantage of team brainstorming by generating new ideas and encourage creativity as your team will be able to build on each other’s ideas.
The golden rule for a great brainstorming session and an effective brainstorming tool is to project everyone’s ideas up in a communal space, such as a whiteboard or screen, so that everyone is free to begin thinking about them, before they make their own contribution of ideas. A whiteboard, shared screen, or large piece of paper tacked up on the wall is therefore essential. Making it easier to brainstorm are the many digital tools that help make presentations interactive, boost the engagement of team members, and put their responses up on display live, all at the same time! And, with these tools, it’s even possible to run an effective remote virtual brainstorming.
Wooclap is one of these interactive tools that can help you brainstorm with your teams. Thanks to its many features, and various types of questions and templates, Wooclap can help you run engaging and effective presentation and brainstorming sessions. An example of its use is the following:
Using the drag-and-drop feature, participants can position their ideas or concepts on a grid. This will help the team classify items and provide a clear visualization of everyone’s priorities or thinking. Collective decisions are therefore much easier to make!
The countdown feature allows you to display the time spent on each task, and will therefore help people keep focused during the brainstorming process.
In a mind mapping, team members are invited to note down related ideas, and place them in bubbles around this central topic or problem starting from a central topic (such as “our brand”) or problem. Each idea is then related to and surrounded by other ideas (such as “our history” → “our beginnings” / “our development”). The final result will be a mind map, which can be further refined to keep and emphasize the very best ideas or solutions.
Rapid ideation is a brainstorming method that aims to generate as many ideas as possible in a given time. For example, following a question (such as “How could we make more sales?”), participants will have 8 minutes or so, and must generate one idea every minute for that entire time. The displayed timer forces them to move on to the generation of the next idea just as soon as each minute is up.
Mind Map | |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
This brainstorming technique stimulates thinking by creating a visual path of the process, and works extremely well with visual thinking people and team members. | The technique requires a very large piece of paper, whiteboard or an effective virtual tool, and can be difficult to set up in a large group, or remotely. |
Rapid Ideation | |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
This technique stimulates creativity by pushing people to be creative in the allotted time, and will prevent the stagnation of ideas. | The speed of the activity can block some people from contributing. |
Starbursting is a technique that see team members invited to, first of all, generate 6 questions around a certain topic, represented by the points of a star, with each point asking a question that will begin with: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Team members must then answer each question within a set time, before discussing the best answers all together.
With brainwriting, each of the team members has a set time to generate 1 to 3 ideas related to the topic in question, and will have to write them down on a sheet of paper or using a digital tool. Then, that person will pass the paper or ideas to his or her neighbor, who must generate some new ideas in turn. The process continues until each sheet is full with the ideas of everyone in the team. The group will then discuss all of the generated ideas or solutions.
Starbursting | |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
This brainstorming method stimulates team work by encouraging the team members to search for a joint solution. | The method works best for a second phase of the process of brainstorming, with some ideas already having been generated (e.g. after thinking about a project or product, to explore the conditions for its design and realization). |
Brainwriting | |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
This brainstorming method is great for shy people, because it allows them to be inspired by the ideas of others while thinking up new ones, and it avoids the pitfall of collecting ideas only from the loudest team members. | The process will take quite a bit of time for a large group, and will generate a lot of ideas that will take a long time to share and analyze in the discussion phase. |
The Round Robin is a variation of the brainwriting method, but is performed orally instead. Each person contributes an idea that the others will be invited to respond and add something to, such as by saying “Yes, and...”. The goal of this technique is to explore and consolidate each idea with the additions of the other group participants. Once the round of discussion on that particular idea has come to an end, the group will move on to another member of the team, and therefore to another idea.
A SWOT Analysis is an analytical brainstorming technique where participants are invited to consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats inherent to a project or topic. Everyone in the group is invited to explore, in writing or orally, what they think about each topic, for example, a product launch. This makes it possible to consider the benefits and risks of a certain action, and to generate solutions and mitigations of the risks.
The Round Robin | |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
This brainstorming method favors the participation of everyone in the group, and avoids people talking over each other, as everyone gets time to speak and contribute an idea. | This method is difficult to manage in a large group, so large groups should be split up into smaller sub-groups. |
SWOT Analysis | |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
It focuses the brainstorming on a certain action, and therefore helps in decision-making. | This method focuses more on concrete actions, rather than creative ideas. |
Wishing is a game-like brainstorming technique in which team members are invited to share their ideals solutions about a topic, without considering current limitations. They should start their phrases with “I wish..” to articulate their most ambitious solution to a given problem.
Wishing | Wishing |
Advantages This technique will encourage unrestricted creativity and thus lead to break traditional thinking patterns and generate new ideas. | Disadvantages Wishing may lead to impractical solutions or unrealistic one. It can also be very disorganized sessions, so prepare them in advance. |
Want to run a brainstorming session? It’s easy with Wooclap!
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