03.01.2025 • 4 minutes
Training employees is a real investment for companies. If carried out correctly, it guarantees the continuous improvement of the skills of participants who attend –which in turn helps the company improve too. For the company, it is essential to make sure this investment is worthy of its name and brings results.
There’s only one way to measure the efficiency of a training session: a post training survey. And it’s not just about asking a few random questions to your employees! The right post training survey questions will allow you to collect valuable data, insights and feedback for the future.
We have made a list of 33 post training survey questions for employees to help you build your own survey in no time.
After a training session, the post training survey is a compulsory step, because:
For all these reasons, it is important to choose your post training survey questions carefully.
You should identify the goals of your survey in advance, by asking yourself what kind of information you’re looking for. Once you’ve defined your goals, you’ll be able to ask relevant questions and collect vital data from your learners.
When you decide not to use open-ended questions on topics as important as student satisfaction, you can still include an option that allows them to elaborate on their point of view. This gives the respondent the opportunity to be more specific, by further explaining their answer and providing more detailed information.
Depending on the information you seek to obtain, you’ll need to opt for specific question formats:
Here are a few principles to bear in mind when creating your post training survey:
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