You’re a teacher and it’s the end of August. It will soon be back to school time, and you’re already getting ready to meet your new pupils or students. It can certainly be an intimidating time, but also terribly exciting! If you love what you do, you will not be able to wait to get back in the classroom and to see your students.
However, to get things off to the best start for the year, and create a rapport with the new kids, it is important for you to introduce yourself, get to know the class group better, find things in common, and help stimulate ideas and exchange.
To help even the shyest pupils and students express themselves, and make class activities more fluid and dynamic, nothing beats an ice breaker! If the student or school activity is well chosen and fun, it will break the ice, it will relax the atmosphere of entire class, and it will loosen up tongues, in next to no time. Here are some of our favorite ice breakers for students that will give teachers some great ideas for the new school year!
Properly setting up and delivering your student ice breaker activity or game will be as important as the questions and contents it contains. You can certainly do your ice breaker on paper, but it might get a little complicated with a bigger class or group of participants. The very best tools to use are interactive, online tools such as Wooclap! Then, all you will need to do is:
Need an icebreaker for your meetings at work ? Check out our article!
Other ice breakers for meetings or distance learning courses
Need to lead a team building activity? Check out our team building ice breakers!
A great icebreaker activity can be a series of fun questions that helps create a relaxed atmosphere and a climate of trust, conducive to fruitful exchanges throughout the year.
To avoid wasting those precious first few minutes of your first class - they say you never get a second chance to make a good first impression - make sure you follow these few rules to make your icebreakers successful.
From our list of questions, select ones you think correspond to the age and level of your audience. While fun icebreaker questions and games can be great for young kids, pupils and first year students, questions more focused on the subject of your discipline or on the topics you will be teaching that year will surely be preferable for final year students.
This is a terrible way to start off the year with your pupils or students, especially younger kids! Therefore, try to write neutral questions that are neither too personal nor intrusive, and whose answers are sure not to embarrass your icebreaker activity participants. A fun check in question or a warm up question for students is always a good idea.
Define how long the icebreaker activity should take, based on the number of students, participants or people attending your workshop or class. Consider giving enough time for each student in the class or group to express themselves, without sacrificing too much of the class time, unless you think it best. Think about whether your students will be doing the icebreaker activities on paper or online, and how much time the activities will therefore take.
It’s best to check in advance that the computer and projector will be working correctly, and that your students will be able to connect to the class activity, for example, using the Wooclap code you share. All these details will make the difference!
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