In 2024, universities and higher education institutions are looking to make learning more engaging and interactive. At the Interactive Learning Olympics, organized by Wooclap in June 2024, leaders unveiled their strategies to transform classes into dynamic and participative experiences.
The Interactive Learning Olympics awarded the most innovative institutions in terms of interactivity. Universities competed in nine distinct categories, demonstrating creative and effective approaches to using interactive tools to engage students, whether in-person, hybrid, or remote.
Curious to discover these categories? Explore them here.
During this event, universities shared their methods for excelling in interactivity. Here are some key points.
Pedro M. Ruiz, vice-rector of the Universidad de Murcia, explained that one of the pillars of success is establishing a culture of innovation, where teachers, educational engineers, and students share common goals to seamlessly integrate interactive technologies into teaching.
Collaboration between teachers and technical teams is another key factor. Institutions like the University of Edinburgh and the EM Normandie have set up collaborative platforms to facilitate the exchange of ideas and teaching practices.
Olivier Lamirault, Director of Innovation & EdTech at EM Normandie, highlights the importance of this approach:
"The creation of the Course Leaders role has helped forge stronger bonds between teachers, stimulate creativity, and standardize teaching across different campuses and student groups."
For technology integration to be successful, it is essential to understand and meet the needs of teachers. Intuitive tools like Wooclap simplify their daily tasks while improving student engagement. Several leading institutions regularly organize workshops to support their teachers in adopting these tools.
Would you like to know more about the strategies adopted by these institutions to become leaders in interactivity?
Clara Vanbellingen
Copywriter @Wooclap. My inexhaustible source of magic for dealing with learning and education? Words!
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