22.11.2024 • 4 minutes
Some teachers like to start the school year off with a series of fun poll questions, as a great icebreaker to help the teacher and the students begin to learn more about each other, get shy students to open up, and generally boost engagement. In the past, it used to be half a sheet or so of paper, with questions such as “What do your parents do?”, “What would you like to do when you grow up?”, “What’s your favorite subject?”, or “If you had to live on a desert island, what one thing would you like to have with you?”, which the teacher would type up and print for the whole class.
While the principle remains the same, times and methods have changed! Today, interactive live polls can help make this moment of social exchange even more fluid, instantaneous, lively, and fun. They are a great way to draw the attention of a class, of a new team, or of company or business meeting participants, and turn a formal exercise into a fun and unifying social moment and a great opportunity to learn and share.
The answers can help students, meeting participants and office colleagues understand each other and make connections between them, helping them to work well together in a team from day one. Simply put, they bring people together. Polls like these can also introduce a topic informally, boosting engagement before going on to tackle more detailed content later on.
To engage your audience from the get-go, you will need to add some fun questions to your poll. So, here is our selection of fun and funny poll questions to get you off to a good start with your students, work colleagues or company team.
People will tend to have 2 different types of reactions to polls:
To encourage the second type of reaction in your audience, rather than the first, it is important to present your poll in a catchy format. Adding fun questions to your poll will boost your chances of provoking a positive reaction of surprise, amusement, enthusiasm and plenty of interesting answers!
Depending on your audience and the degree of seriousness you want to give to your poll, you can:
2. Offer multiple-choice poll questions with one funny answer among other more serious ones (we see this strategy used more and more).
What are your favorite pet animals?
3. Offer a mostly offbeat poll, with plenty of fun questions, which nonetheless allows you to learn more about each person in your audience.
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Click here to instantly include these icebreakers in your training!
Use these icebreaker questions in your next session with a single click!
What do you think of Amazon?
- Something extremely practical
- One of the foundations of modern society
- A crime against ecology and humanity
- A Netflix competitor among many others
If there were a zombie invasion, how many days do you think you’d be able to survive?
- 3 days: the time to hide in a corner and die of starvation
- Less than 2 hours: I’d die of a heart attack as soon as I met my first zombie
- Years: with a good hideout and unlimited food and ammo, I’d die of old age
How many letters do you write by hand a year?
- I always write by hand, and I hate emails
- More than 3 a year
- More than 10 a year
- Just one: a Christmas card to my gran
What was the worst disaster for humanity?
- The break-up of ABBA Disney’s takeover of Star Wars
- The invention of the sleeveless down jacket
- Season 8 of Game of Thrones
What is your favorite urban legend?
- The White Lady
- The Loch Ness Monster
- The Yeti Girl-boy friendships
If you could erase one invention from human history forever, what would it be?
- The electric scooter
- The atomic bomb
- The internet
- The hair straightener
Use these icebreaker questions in your next session with a single click!
Click to apply these questions and kick-start engagement!
Open-ended poll questions are a great way to leave respondents free to give any answer they choose, but they should be well focused enough to get short responses. In fact, respondents are more inclined to click on an answer from a given choice, or rather give a short, one or two-word answer, than share long, detailed answers:
To learn more about your respondents, open-ended questions also work very well in a confession book format:
Click here to instantly include these icebreakers in your training!
Click to apply these questions and kick-start engagement!
After registering for free on Wooclap, decide the type of poll, quiz, survey or questionnaire you want to create and follow the detailed instructions. Easy!
Wooclap currently gives you 21 question types to choose from, including multiple-choice questions, polls, word clouds, fill-in-the-blank questions, rating questions, sorting questions, image labeling questions, and so on. Choose the question type and content that best suits the topic you are going to cover.
To create a multiple-choice quiz on Wooclap, follow these simple steps:
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