12.10.2021 • 4 minutes
If you use Wooclap at the scale of a higher education institution or as part of a group subscription (a set of at least 30 subscriptions), you can collaborate on Wooclap events with your colleagues. Multi-handed events are yours! We explain when and why this new feature will be useful to you through four use cases.
To find out all the tips and tricks of the feature, go to our Help Centre to discover a practical article on how to use the full potential of this feature!
Wooclap in your institution
You are a Wooclap subscriber but would like your colleagues to use Wooclap at your higher education institution? Good news, you can try it for free!
Julie Lemaire
Content Marketing Lead @Wooclap. As a student of language with a passion for education and a thirst for knowledge, I am currently learning to parlare italiano.
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